Study Regulations

Here is an overview of the study-relevant regulations and rules (formerly the General Handbook).

You can filter by topic and keyword in the following search field.

Please note: The German-language study regulations can be found on the following page: Studienordnung.


Filter files:
101 Accreditation and Recognition
101 Accreditation and Recognition

101_accreditation_and_recognition.pdf (size: 132 kB)

North American Accreditation / German Accreditation / Significance of Accreditation / Recognition of our Degrees

103 Unity in Diversity
103 Unity in Diversity

103_unity_in_diversity.pdf (size: 48 kB)

Unity in Diversity Statement / CIU's Doctrinal Statement

104 Student Participation
104 Student Participation

104_student_participation.pdf (size: 36 kB)

"Your Academy" / Course Representatives / Course Feedback / Annual Surveys

105 Academic Advising
105 Academic Advising

105_academic_advising.pdf (size: 38 kB)

Role of the Academic Advisor / Counseling / Individual Study Overview

106 Course Formats and Class Information
106 Course Formats and Class Information

106_course_formats_and_class_information.pdf (size: 210 kB)

Modules and Courses / Moodle / Course Categories / Practical Project / Proficiency Exams / Biblical Greek or Hebrew / Faculty Directed Study / Course Size / Class Attendance / Teaching Formats / Required Reading / On-campus Courses / Online Courses / CIU Online Courses

107 Course Registration and Cancellation
107 Course Registration and Cancellation

107_course_registration_and_cancellation.pdf (size: 72 kB)

Registration Deadline / Cancellation Fees / Withdrawal from a Course / Break in Matriculation

108 Tuition and Fees
108 Tuition and Fees

108_tuition_and_fees.pdf (size: 97 kB)

General Fees / Take5-Discount / Spousal Discount / Billing Period

109 Assignments and Grading
109 Assignments and Grading

109_assignments_and_grading.pdf (size: 103 kB)

Assignment Due Dates / Extensions / Administration of Grades / Grading System / Grade Point Average (GPA) / Assessment Criteria / Complaints and Grievances / Disciplinary Cases and Plagiarism

111 Certificates and Transcripts
111 Certificates and Transcripts

111_certificates_and_transcripts.pdf (size: 45 kB)

Certificates / Transcripts / Graduation and Application for a Diploma

113 Library and Databases
113 Library and Databases

113_library_and_databases.pdf (size: 67 kB)

Service and Equipment / IT Equipment and Support / CIU Databases

200 Master Programs
200 Master Programs

200_master_programs.pdf (size: 94 kB)

Significance of a Masters's Degree / Study Programs and Degrees (M.A., M.Div, CAS) / Learning Outcomes / Maximum Length of Study / Degree Change

201 Admission Policy Graduate Level
201 Admission Policy Graduate Level

201_admission_policy_graduate_level.pdf (size: 104 kB)

Admission Process / Admission Requirements / Advanced Standing / ECTE / Student Status / Interruption of Studies