Postgraduate Teaching Faculty

Volker Kessler
(Dr. theol., University of South Africa, Dr. Phil. University Cologne, Germany) worked for a large international corporation for 12 years. Since 1998 head of the academy for Christian leaders, since 2002 de ...
Thomas Kröck
(Dr. agr., Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen; MA Interkulturelle Studien, CIU) war von 1989-99 in Tansania tätig. Von 1999 bis 2012 betreute er Projekte in Indien und Nepal. Seit 2012 ist er Studienleiter fü ...
Bernhard Ott
(Ph.D., Missiology, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies/The Open University, UK) After several years of work with an architect, Bernhard Ott changed course very early in his professional life. He studied theo ...
Joachim Pomrehn
(Ph.D., Columbia International University) Theological Studies in Germany and Switzerland were followed by church ministry and pastoral care in a counseling program for Christians. During this time, Joachim ...
Marcus Weiand

(Ph.D., King’s College, London) ist als TCK in Peru aufgewachsen und arbeitet heute als Dozent und Berater am Institut für Konflikttransformation ComPax am Bildungszentrum Bienenberg/Schweiz.
