Graduate Level Teaching Faculty

Raphaël Anzenberger
(Ph.D./D.Min., Columbia International University, USA) Director of imagoDei, President of France Evangelisation and CEO of the Global Evangelists Forum. He serves as ambassador at large for the board of the ...
Chris Dippenaar
(D. Th., Stellenbosch University, South Africa) served as a missionary to Asia for 30 years (Taiwan and Singapore), mainly in the area of theological training of pastors and missionaries for the Chinese chu ...
Friedmann Eißler
(Dr. theol., Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen) studierte evangelische Theologie und Islamwissenschaft in Tübingen und Jerusalem. 2008-2020 wissenschaftlicher Referent der Evangelischen Zentralstelle für ...
Ralph Enlow
(Ed.D., Vanderbilt University, USA) until July 2020 President for the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), an evangelical accreditation agency. Serves worldwide as an advisor for theological edu ...
Yassir Eric
(Dr. theol., Protestant University Wuppertal, M.A. Ev. Theologie, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, M.A. Missiology, Columbia International University) He is a theologian, missiologist, an outstanding ...
Jean-Georges Gantenbein
(Dr. theol., Université de Strasbourg) has been a pastor in France since 1991, now in Mulhouse. He is regional leader of the Perspectives program and lecturer for missiology at the theological seminary in S ...
Christian Goßweiler
(D.Th., University of Tübingen) was from 1995-2015 a lecturer at Abdiel Theological College in Ungaran, Indonesia, employee of the Indonesian Bible Society and pastor for training churches and theological r ...
Ekkehard Graf
(Dr. Phil., Technical University of Dortmund) Ordained pastor of the German Protestant State Church. Since September 2018 he holds the possition of "Dekan des Evangelischen Kirchenbezirks Marbach" in Marbac ...
Magnus Großmann
(Ph.D., South African Theological Seminary) is involved in youth ministry in Germany and South Africa, member of the Christian-Messianic Research Association and vice-chairman of Betzalel e.V. (Art.Spiritua ...
Wolfgang Häde
(D.Th., University of South Africa) has lived in Turkey since 2001 where he is active in the theological training and community work in the Turkish branch of the Martin Bucer Seminar. Since 2019 he has also ...
Stefan Henger
(D. Min, Columbia International University) Stefan Henger worked for the DMG in Africa for 19 years helping churches to reach out to Muslims in love. He has taught at various theological institutions and is ...
Lydia Jaeger
After completing postgraduate studies in physics and mathematics at the University of Cologne (Germany) and in theology at the Faculté libre de théologie évangélique in Vaux-sur-Seine (France), Lydia Jaeger ...
Andreas Jenny
(M.A. International Management in Non-Profit-Organizations, Katholische Hochschule Freiburg) worked for "Christliche Fachkräfte International" in Nepal for 10 years. Since 2007 he has been a consultant and ...
Volker Kessler
(Dr. theol., University of South Africa, Dr. Phil. University Cologne, Germany) worked for a large international corporation for 12 years. Since 1998 head of the academy for Christian leaders, since 2002 de ...
Martina Kessler
(D.Th., University of South Africa) Sie begann ihren Berufsweg als Krankenschwester. Dann ließ sie sich zur Psychologischen Beraterin ausbilden und studierte anschließend Theologie. Seit 1999 ist sie Dozent ...
Mihamm Kim-Rauchholz
ist in Südkorea geboren und studierte evangelische Theologie in Seoul, Tübingen und Heidelberg. Im Jahr 2005 promovierte sie im Fach Neues Testament bei Hans-Joachim Eckstein an der Universität Tübingen. An ...
Markus Klausli

(Ph.D., Dallas Theological Seminary, USA) Professor and Dean at ESCT from 2009 until 2013. Associate professor for New Testament at Columbia International University, USA since 2013.

Deborah J. Kramlich
(Ph.D., Educational Leadership, CIU) Originally from the US, has lived since 1993 in Germany, Sweden, and now Thailand. She is currently doing a Postdoctoral Research Associate Position at Payap University, ...
Thomas Kröck
(Dr. agr., Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen; MA Interkulturelle Studien, CIU) war von 1989-99 in Tansania tätig. Von 1999 bis 2012 betreute er Projekte in Indien und Nepal. Seit 2012 ist er Studienleiter fü ...
Torsten Kugler
(Ph.D., ICS, Columbia International University) was born and raised as TCK in Papua New Guinea. After 18 years of missionary service in PNG, mainly theological education for pastors, he is now serving as a ...
Michael W. Langston

(Ph.D., University of Aberdeen, UK; D.Min., Bethel Theological Seminary, USA) Professor of Chaplain Ministries at Columbia International University in Columbia, South Carolina (USA).

Eddy Lanz
(Dr. theol., Seminaire Libre de Théologie à Genève) war 18 Jahre im Auftrag von Forum Wiedenest in Pakistan tätig, u. a. in der theologischen Ausbildung. Seit der Rückkehr nach Deutschland 2017 ist er als L ...
Stefan Lingott
(Dr. phil., Universität Klagenfurt, Austria) studied theology, sociology, psychology and communication; doctorate in organizational development. Self-employed as an organisational advisor. Founder and direc ...
Petros G. Malakyan
(Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary, USA). Professor of Organizational Leadership in the School of Service and Leadership at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana, USA (2010-2016). Since 2016 he ha ...
Tobias Menges
(Ph.D., Columbia International University) Tobias Menges is Dean of CIU Korntal. Before that, since 2013, he directed the undergraduate course offerings at AWM. After a technical vocational training, he wor ...
Sandra Menges
(B.Prim.Ed - Psychology., Stellenbosch University, South Africa) has been traveling interculturally since 1990. She is self-employed and works worldwide as an intercultural coach (CIC), trauma consultant (C ...
Ulrich Neuenhausen

(Diplom Agaringeneur und Theologe, BTA Wiedenest/FTA Gießen) Vormals Entwicklungshelfer in Indien und Pakistan, jetzt Leiter von Forum Wiedenest und Lehrer an der Biblisch-Theologischen Akademie.

Craig Ott

(Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA) Professor for Mission and Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield (Chicago) USA.

Heike Patulla
After graduating as a librarian, Heike Patulla was responsible for the digitalization of a corporate library and subsequently worked as a deputy branch manager in a bookstore. Since 1996 she directs the AWM ...
Joachim Pomrehn
(Ph.D., Columbia International University) Theological Studies in Germany and Switzerland were followed by church ministry and pastoral care in a counseling program for Christians. During this time, Joachim ...
Manuel Rauchholz
(Dr. Phil, University of Heidelberg; Th.M. Trinity Evangelical School). His research and publications have been primarily in cultural anthropology in the study of kinship and exchange, migration, legal anth ...
Hanna-Maria Schmalenbach
(Dr. med/D.Th., Missiology, University of South Africa) worked with her family as a missions doctor and missions pioneer among an indigenous tribe in Mexico. After returning she studied at the AWM and worke ...
Christoph Schrodt

(Dr. theol., University Erlangen-Nürnberg) is Professor of Practical Theology at the International University of Liebenzell. At AWM, he teaches doctrine, ethics and homiletics

Edward Smither
(Ph.D., University of Wales, UK; Ph.D. University of Pretoria, South Africa) Dean of the College of Intercultural Studies, Professor for Intercultural Studies at Columbia International University, USA, sinc ...
Elmar Spohn

(D.Th., University of South Africa) Missionary in Tanzania for 8 years and has been a lecturer for intercultural Studies at CIU Korntal since 2013.

Anatoli Uschomirski

(M.A., CIU), Messianisch-jüdischer Pastor, Redner und Buchautor, Studium der Theologie. Er stammt aus einer jüdischen Familie in Kiew, Ukraine, ist verheiratet, hat eine Tochter und zwei Enkelkinder.

Marcus Weiand

(Ph.D., King’s College, London) ist als TCK in Peru aufgewachsen und arbeitet heute als Dozent und Berater am Institut für Konflikttransformation ComPax am Bildungszentrum Bienenberg/Schweiz.

Peter Westphal
In June 2019, Peter Westphal took over the leadership of the AWM in Korntal. Dr. Westphal is originally from Northern Germany, but has spent 30 years working with different organizations in Asia. From the v ...