
Welcome to the Website of the AWM-Library!

We are happy to assist you with any questions:


Our on-site inventory contains more than 30.000 items as well as many periodicals. Our library primarily serves our students and faculty. The majority of titels are available in German and English with a strong emphasis on theological and missiological volumes.

Students can access the electronic catalog of our parnter university´s library - Columbia International University - which offers access to many databases, E-Books and electronic journals.

Our professional library team looks forward to serving you during your on-campus visit!

Service Hours (when classes are in session):

Monday- Friday:  9:00 - 12:30 
                   and 13:30 - 16:00

The library is open 24/7 to all licensed users.


Hindenburgstr. 36
70825 Korntal-Münchingen
Tel: ++49/(0)711/83965-231

E-Mail: reveal this