About us
"Integration is a life-task for both sides – the one who is to be integrated and the one who must be prepared to integrate.
EIMI wants to support and guide all those involved."
– Yassir Eric
Our goals:
- To empower people to engage others without prejudice. This applies both to the majority society and to migrants living in Germany.
- Our offer is aimed at both sides. We seek to avoid parallel structures in which everyone merely lives peacefully side by side.
- We want to work together with all those involved to find a way of using our cultural diversity to learn from each other and enrich each other. But this can only succeed if the differences can be clearly identified and stated.
- We believe that it must be possible to express concerns and fears. The goal is a genuine understanding of and for each other, from which stable and trusting relationships can develop.
In order to achieve these diverse goals, we work at different levels:
- On the structural level, we are in dialogue with other organizations, committees and responsible persons who also deal with the topics of migration, integration and Islam. By networking and exchanging ideas, we hope that synergy effects can be established.
- At the church level, we are already doing a lot of work in both German and Migrant churches. We provide education, train community members inter-culturally or support integration projects.
- On the educational level, EIMI offers various seminars and lectures on current topics concerning integration, migration and Islam.