Nagi Said

(D.Min. in Global Ministries, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA) MTS form Tyndale School of Theology, North York, Canada. From 1979-1995 and 2013 to present, Founder and Senior Pastor of Chapel Place Presbyterian Church in Markham, Ontario, Canada. Since 2002 Ministry Center Director of Egypt and Regional Director of the Middle East and North Africa of "Development Associates International" (DAI) for Leadership development. Published books in Arabic: "Forces of Personal Transformation" and "Small Groups Between Theology And Practice”.



Nagi Said

Unterrichtssprache Arabisch! In diesem Kurs geht es um Charaktereigenschaften und Kompetenzen, die für effektive Führung in verschiedensten christlichen Kontexten ausschlaggebend sind. Neben der Präz... mehr