Ludwig Krapf PreisträgerInnen
Am Donnerstag, den 21. Oktober 2021, fand die Verleihung des Ludwig-Krapf-Preises vor geladenen Gästen und Studierenden an der AWM Korntal statt. In seiner Ansprache beleuchtete Dr. Peter Westphal, Rektor der AWM Korntal, das Leben des Missionars, nach dem der Preis benannt wurde. Ludwig Krapfs Lebenslauf war für seine Zeit ungewöhnlich, mit Brüchen und Wendungen, jedoch stets von Pioniergeist durchweht. Seine Übersetzungsarbeit und Entdeckungsreisen ermöglichten bis dato unerreichten Teilen Ostafrikas den Zugang zum Evangelium. more
Preisträger 2018
Preisträger 2017
Preisträger 2016
Preisträgerin 2015
Preisträger 2013
Award Winner 2012
This years Ludwig-Krapf-Prize was awarded to Christine Rebstock at the AWM ceremony on December 4th. She is a mid-wife in Tübingen-Derendingen, whose dedication has led her to many areas of conflict within Africa. Recently, she has helped organize a nutrition program in Afghanistan... more
Award Winner 2011
The Ludwig-Krapf-Prize recognizes exceptional friendships between remarkable people. It was a great witness to experience the friendship between Adnan and Anatoli. more
Award Winner 2010
Bangladesch is the adopted home of Samuel Strauss and his family. They support native leaders and churches with passion and competence. Their Germany furlough in 2009 was only meant to be a time for further education, however, a serious car accident seemed to put a stop to any plans of leaving for Bangladesch again... more
Award Winner 2009
Matthias Lübke has lived for many years with his family in South Africa in the tribe Zulus. His open and friendly character impacted life on the AWM in a special way. more
Award Winner 2008
In addition to her academic achievements, Kristina Hoffmann has been very involved with the student body. more
Award Winner 2007
They work for the DIPM in Brazil They have shown exemplary work in how their practical reflections, course insights and relevant literature have lead to further developments and implementation in their work in Brazil. more