I confess

My desk is always packed full! There are always lots of files & binders, notes of every size and colour. Currently it is so full that I really did not feel like going to chapel this morning. But I went – with no real expectation of a personal encounter with God. Our undergraduate students were on and I thoroughly enjoyed their heart and the way they led us. Really well done – singing and praying – praising God and praying to God.
I confess - that many things make me angry these days. And sad. The political spectacles in Germany, Europe, and in the US. Inhumane violence and unspeakable suffering – not only in Syria. The fact that my sister-in-law is terminally ill in her early 60’s and most likely will not live more than a few months (or weeks?). The self-righteousness of so many people. And their passivity, where their action would really count. Including my own…
I confess - that I was overcome with awe during our last song this morning. We sang “Von guten Mächten“ (by gracious powers) – Bonhoeffer’s well known text, written in prison. We sang of the old, which tortures our hearts. Of the heavy burdens that evil days bring. Frightened souls – of the bitter, heavy cup of suffering. Here was one who described situations and experiences in such a way that the words minister to our hearts today.
Bonhoeffer was certainly not a dreamer. He analyzed and understood his own situation and the situation in Germany more clearly than most others. His thoughts meet our experiences in our present realities. At the same time he focuses on a reality, which carries us through all adversities. So now – even while my heart remains heavy:
I confess – anew and very consciously – that my life is anchored in our God, who holds us and comforts us and who is with us night and morning and each new day – whatever it may bring.
Carmen Crouse
You can find the English translation of the song of Bonhoeffer here.