Bernhard Ott

Bernhard Ott

(Ph.D., Missiology, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies/The Open University, UK) After several years of work with an architect, Bernhard Ott changed course very early in his professional life. He studied theology and missiology in Fresno (California) and at the Oxford Center of Mission Studies, earning his PhD from The Open University, UK. For many years he directed the Theologisches Seminar Bienenberg (Liestal, Switzerland). He is an expert in theological education in Europe and around the world, serving – among other commitments – also as Chairman of the European Council for Theological Education (ECTE). In his role as Professor Extraordinarius of the University of South Africa (UNISA) he supervises theses and dissertations. In 2006 Bernhard Ott became director of the ESCT-doctoral programs. In addition, he took on the role of ESCT-Academic Dean in September 2013 until summer of 2018. He now supervises doctoral students in the dissertation process.

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Bernhard Ott, Joachim Pomrehn

Dieser Kurs wird online im Selbststudium belegt! Verantwortung in einer Gemeinde zu tragen, bedeutet auch, für die Schulung von Mitarbeitern zuständig zu sein. Was gehört dazu? Wie kann das gelingen?... more

Bernhard Ott, Joachim Pomrehn

This course is mainly self-guided study! This course examines the steward responsibilities to self, board, constituents, faculty, and students through an examination of the theoretical and biblical ... more

Bernhard Ott

Seminarzeiten Seminarbeginn: jeweils 9:30 Uhr Seminarende: jeweils 17:00 Uhr Zielgruppe Dieser Grundkurs 'Verkündigung' richtet sich an Menschen, die die Grundlagen der Verkündigung des Evangeliums... more

Bernhard Ott, Elmar Spohn

Unterricht in Korntal In diesem Kurs erwerben Studierende die Kompetenz, sich in der Vielzahl neuerer missionstheologischer Ansätze orientieren zu können, und eine reflektierte Sicht für die Mission ... more