Ludwig-Krapf-Prize of the Friends of the University
Ever since the Friends of the University association was established in 2006 it has awarded the Ludwig-Krapf-Prize yearly. The endowment is 500€.
Who was Ludwig Krapf? He was born in Derendingen, Germany in 1810 and died in 1881. His life was so mulit-faceted that it is difficult to describe it completely - missionary, discoverer, linguist, african explorer...
He was a versatile, brave, innovative and creative pioneer, who through his openness towards man and God had a rich and diverse life.
This diversity is seen in the winners of the Ludwig-Krapf-Prize. This prize recognizes the mulit-faceted student body at AWM and communicates our appreciation for them.
The prize is normally awarded at the AWM in December. This is a public event to which you are warmly welcome to attend. Please register by email if you are planning on attending since this makes our planning easier.