Practical Approaches to Transformative Development - ONLINE
Moodle: 28.04.2025 - 28.07.2025
Video Classes: 12.05.2025 - 28.07.2025
Registration ends on:
Video Classes: 12.05.2025 - 28.07.2025
Registration ends on:
This course is part of
Topics covered
Course schedule:
12.05.2025, 19.05.2025, 26.05.2025, 02.06.2025, 23.06.2025, 30.06.2025, 07.07.2025, 14.07.2025, 21.07.2025, 28.07.2025
Completely online
No lectures during Pentecost break (June 9-20, 2025)! Please note the alternative dates.
Module Description
This course introduces practical approaches to transformative development. It focuses on project cycle management based on Christian values. What is a biblical understanding of “poverty” and “development”? How can a high level of participation and identification of the target group be achieved? What is the role of development workers? How can a process of project planning and implementation be designed so that it brings about sustainable change?
- Reflection on a biblical understanding of poverty and development
- Participatory methods in project planning
- Project cycle management: analysis, planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation
- Reflection on the role and worldview of Christian development workers
Result of the course
students shall
- have a deepened understanding of the biblical perspective on poverty and development
- be able to apply practical methods for project planning and project work
- be able to design community change processes and participatory development activities at community level
- understand the role of the Christian church in transformative development practice
Reading ca. 100 pages of book chapters and articles. Writing a reflection on one’s own or an organization’s understanding of development.
(M.A. International Management in Non-Profit-Organizations, Katholische Hochschule Freiburg) worked for "Christliche Fachkräfte International" in Nepal for 10 years. Since 2007 he has been a consultant and ...
(Dr. agr., Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen; MA Interkulturelle Studien, CIU) war von 1989-99 in Tansania tätig. Von 1999 bis 2012 betreute er Projekte in Indien und Nepal. Seit 2012 ist er Studienleiter fü ...
Price table
Seminar Fee | 590 € |
Seminar Late Registration Fee | 20 € |
Reduced Seminar Fee | 501 € |