Governance & Management in Educational Institutions - ONLINE

Moodle15 weeks, individual start
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Topics covered
AWM-course-no: 3240001 CIU-course-no: EDU 9535

This course is mainly self-guided study!

This course examines the steward responsibilities to self, board, constituents, faculty, and students through an examination of the theoretical and biblical foundations for policies, governance models, and relationships necessary for effective functioning of institutional governing boards and educational leaders in various cultural contexts.

Bernhard Ott
(Ph.D., Missiology, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies/The Open University, UK) After several years of work with an architect, Bernhard Ott changed course very early in his professional life. He studied theo ...
Joachim Pomrehn
(Ph.D., Columbia International University) Theological Studies in Germany and Switzerland were followed by church ministry and pastoral care in a counseling program for Christians. During this time, Joachim ...

Price table

PhD/DMin Tuition Fee 3 Credits 995 €
PhD/DMin Registration Fee 40 €