Leadership in Multicultural Contexts

Moodle: 13.06.2016 - 10.09.2016
Classes: 11.07.2016 - 16.07.2016
Closed Registration ended on:
Course focus: LDR, ITE, EDU, PP PPESCT
Topics covered
AWM-course-no: 3150206 CIU-course-no: EDU/MIN 9710

This course focuses on developing specific leadership competencies for leading multicultural groups and for ministry in multicultural contexts. Cultural aspects of leadership will be discussed and leadership philosophies and models will be evaluated theologically and applied to the respective ministry context of the students.

(Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kentucky USA) serves as Principal of the Evangelical Theological College (2012-present) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Price table

PhD/DMin Tuition Fee 855 €
PhD/DMin Methods Tutorial 285 €
PhD/DMin Registration Fee 30 €
PhD/DMin Late Registration Fee 50 €
PhD/DMin Tuition Fee Auditor 460 €
PhD/DMin Tuition Fee Auditor 160 €