Biblical Leadership Across Cultures - ONLINE

Moodle: 20.04.2026 - 21.08.2026
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This course is part of MAEnglishOnlineCTHICL
Topics covered
AWM-course-no: 2251002 CIU-course-no: BIB/ICL 6096
Course schedule: 28.04.2026, 05.05.2026, 12.05.2026, 19.05.2026, 09.06.2026, 16.06.2026, 23.06.2026, 30.06.2026, 07.07.2026, 14.07.2026

Fully Online

Tuesdays, 19:00-21:30 CEDT

No classes during pentecost break

Christology, particularly, Christ's humanity, is the center of the discussion of this course and the Christlikeness and Christlike leadership development are the desired outcomes of the course across cultures. By using the Bible and historical theology, we take a Trinitarian approach to both biblical and Christian leadership. More specifically, the role of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is addressed through: Ontological theology - Father God as the origin of leadership (the nature of being and becoming). Christological Anthropology - Christ, as fully God and fully human, is the constant prototype for Christian leadership, and Christlikeness as a human possibility through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Pneumatology - Holy Spirit as the enabler and the maker of Christlike leaders and followers

Usually offered every year.

class: online (Zoom/Moodle), 10 weeks with one evening session of 2.5 hours each post-class: online (Moodle), all assignments must be submitted 5 weeks after the last evening.

More details are available in the module description ...

Ralph Enlow
(Ed.D., Vanderbilt University, USA) until July 2020 President for the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), an evangelical accreditation agency. Serves worldwide as an advisor for theological edu ...

Price table

M.A. Tuition Fee 3 Credits 695 €
M.A. Tuition Fee 3 Credits AEM 570 €
M.A. Registration Fee 40 €
M.A. Late Registration Fee 20 €
M.A. Tuition Fee Auditor 390 €