Mission & Methods of Theology - ONLINE

Moodle: 12.01.2026 - 01.05.2025
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This course is part of MAEnglishOnlineKERNPflicht
Topics covered
AWM-course-no: 2250602 CIU-course-no: THE 5305
Course schedule: 21.01.2026, 28.01.2026, 04.02.2026, 11.02.2026, 18.02.2026, 25.02.2026, 04.03.2026, 11.03.2026, 18.03.2026, 25.03.2026

Fully online


In this course you will be introduced to the world of theology, its significance and methodology within an intercultural context as well as the educational philosophy of CIU Korntal. This includes a discussion about issues within current scholarship and developments within missions. You will get to know relevant tools for your academic journey and use them in practice. Therefore, this course lays the foundation on becoming a reflective practitioner whose ministry is biblically founded as well as culturally sensitive.

Hinweis: Leistungsnachweise können auch auf Deutsch eingereicht werden.

Usually offered every year.

Class: online (Live-Video/Moodle), ten weeks, one night per week with self-study inbetween, appr. 80-90 hours study time required.

Post-class: online (Moodle), five weeks following class with appr. 45-55 hours of study time to finish assignments.

More details are available in the module description ...

One student's experience:
«Highly recommended! The teacher uses a creative, interactive, and reflective method to learn methods. It builds a good foundation for the journey of theologizing.»

Heike Patulla
After graduating as a librarian, Heike Patulla was responsible for the digitalization of a corporate library and subsequently worked as a deputy branch manager in a bookstore. Since 1996 she directs the AWM ...
Joachim Pomrehn
(Ph.D., Columbia International University) Theological Studies in Germany and Switzerland were followed by church ministry and pastoral care in a counseling program for Christians. During this time, Joachim ...
Magnus Großmann
(Ph.D., South African Theological Seminary) is involved in youth ministry in Germany and South Africa, member of the Christian-Messianic Research Association and vice-chairman of Betzalel e.V. (Art.Spiritua ...
Tobias Menges
(Ph.D., Columbia International University) Tobias Menges is Dean of CIU Korntal. Before that, since 2013, he directed the undergraduate course offerings at AWM. After a technical vocational training, he wor ...

Price table

M.A. Tuition Fee 3 Credits 695 €
M.A. Tuition Fee 3 Credits AEM 570 €
M.A. Registration Fee 40 €
M.A. Late Registration Fee 20 €
M.A. Tuition Fee Auditor 390 €