Cultural Anthropology - ONLINE

Moodle: 22.09.2025 - 09.01.2026
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This course is part of MAEnglishOnlineICS
Topics covered
AWM-course-no: 2250204 CIU-course-no: ICS 5141
Course schedule: 02.10.2025, 09.10.2025, 16.10.2025, 23.10.2025, 30.10.2025, 06.11.2025, 13.11.2025, 20.11.2025, 27.11.2025, 04.12.2025

Fully Online


This introduction into Cultural Anthropology will define concepts of culture along with aspects of culturral learning and becoming through lived processes. The course will cover themes such as the environment, forms of economy, religion, language, kinship, politics, psyche (conscience and decision making) worldview and ways of thinking and will clarify their relationship to culture. In practical exercises (ethnographic interviewing, participant observation) and case studies, students will learn about anthropological research methods and theories esp. those of great relevance for theology and mission studies such as the Anthropology of Christianity.

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Usually offered every 2 years

Class: online (live video/Moodle), 10 weeks with one evening session of 2.5 hours each.

Post-class: online (Moodle), all assignments must be submitted 5 weeks after the last evening.

More details are available in the module description ...

Elizabeth Rauchholz
(Dr. phil., Heidelberg University) is a sociocultural anthropologist with a focus on value relations within Christianity, particularly as it pertains to living a Christian life. Her doctoral research examin ...

Price table

M.A. Tuition Fee 3 Credits 695 €
M.A. Tuition Fee 3 Credits AEM 570 €
M.A. Registration Fee 40 €
M.A. Late Registration Fee 20 €
M.A. Tuition Fee Auditor 390 €