Mission in a World of Migration: The challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century diaspora Missiology

Moodle: 15.04.2019 - 12.07.2019
Classes: 13.05.2019 - 17.05.2019
Closed Registration ended on:
This course is part of MA
Topics covered
AWM-course-no: 2181202 CIU-course-no: ICS 6215

The end phase of the Great Commission will be from all nations to all nations. As the peoples of the earth disperse amongst all nations in the greatest series of human migrations in history, the global church must respond. In this course, you will engage the biblical, social, cultural, strategic and spiritual elements of human migration. You will focus on new paradigms of diaspora missiology and ministry as they relate to the mission of God among all peoples.

This course includes three phases:

  • Phase 1: online (Moodle), 4-6 weeks prior to on-campus-period with approximately 30 hours of study time.

  • Phase 2: on-campus period at Korntal (dates above) with appr. 40 hours of study time including class hours.

  • Phase 3: online (Moodle), 8 weeks following on-campus period with appr. 80 hours of study time to finish assignments.

Price table

M.A. Tuition Fee 3 Credits 580 €
M.A. Tuition Fee 3 Credits AEM 480 €
M.A. Registration Fee 40 €
M.A. Late Registration Fee 20 €
M.A. Tuition Fee Auditor 350 €