E-Learning in Theological Education

Moodle: 15.04.2019 - 12.07.2019
Unterricht: 13.05.2019 - 17.05.2019
Closed Einschreibeschluss:
Dieser Kurs gehört zu PP
AWM-Kurs-Nr: 3180303 CIU-Kurs-Nr: EDU 9545

This course introduces an ongoing course development process focusing on analysis, design, development, and evaluation. This process will be broadly applicable to online instruction and learning as a basic skill for both the teacher and the student.

This course includes three phases:

  • Phase 1: online (Moodle), 4-6 weeks prior to on-campus-period with approximately 30 hours of study time.

  • Phase 2: on-campus period at Korntal (dates above) with appr. 40 hours of study time including class hours.

  • Phase 3: online (Moodle), 8 weeks following on-campus period with appr. 80 hours of study time to finish assignment.


PhD/DMin Studiengebühr 3 Credits 885 €
PhD/DMin Einschreibegebühr 40 €
PhD/DMin Späteinschreibegebühr 20 €
PhD/DMin Gasthörergebühr 470 €