Theological Education as Adult Education

Moodle: 02.06.2014 - 01.09.2014
Unterricht: 30.06.2014 - 07.07.2014
Closed Einschreibeschluss:
Kurs Schwerpunkt: ITE, EDU PP
AWM-Kurs-Nr: 3130903 CIU-Kurs-Nr: EDU 9359

Traditional educational models are normally based on pedagogical assumptions adequate for children in the initial phase of education. Theological education increasingly has to do with adult persons with considerable life and work experience. In this course students will learn how to apply principles of adult education to theological education.


PhD/DMin Studiengebühren 810 €
PhD/DMin Methodenseminar 280 €
PhD/DMin Einschreibegebühr 30 €
PhD/DMin Späteinschreibegebühr 50 €
PhD/DMin Studiengebühren Gasthörer 460 €
PhD/DMin Studiengebühren Gasthörer 160 €