Mission & Methods of Theology - ONLINE
Videounterricht: 06.10.2021 - 22.12.2021
This course will be taught via video conferencing (Zoom)!
In this course you will be introduced to the world of theology, its significance and methodology within an intercultural context as well as the educational philosophy of the European School of Culture and Theology. This includes a discussion about issues within current scholarship and developments within missions. You will get to know relevant tools for your academic journey and use them in practice. Therefore, this course lays the foundation on becoming a reflective practitioner whose ministry is biblically founded as well as culturally sensitive.
Hinweis: Leistungsnachweise können auch auf Deutsch abgegeben werden.
This course includes three phases:
Phase 1: starts with phase 2
Phase 2: online (Zoom/Moodle), 12 weeks with one evening session of 2.5 hours each
Phase 3: online (Moodle), all assignments must be submitted 3 weeks after the 12th evening.
One student's experience:
“Highly recommended! The teacher uses a creative, interactive, and reflective method to learn methods. It builds a good foundation for the journey of theologizing.“
M.A. Studiengebühr 3 Credits | 610 € |
M.A. Studiengebühr 3 Credits AEM | 505 € |
M.A. Einschreibegebühr | 40 € |
M.A. Späteinschreibegebühr | 20 € |
M.A. Gasthörergebühr | 390 € |
Online-Gebühr | 30 € |