Crisis Response & Trauma Care
Unterricht: 30.03.2020 - 03.04.2020
This course integrates crisis response and trauma care principles by providing you with a comprehensive overview of the field of psychological trauma and how trauma affects individuals and systems, grief reactions, and traumatic stress. You will explore such topics as post-traumatic growth, moral injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, vicarious traumatization, and complicated grief. Upon completion of this course, you will possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to provide basic care whenever a tragedy strikes, whether natural disasters, accidents, combat, or acts of violence.
This course includes three phases:
Phase 1: online (Moodle), 4-6 weeks prior to on-campus-period with approximately 30 hours of study time.
Phase 2: on-campus period at Korntal (dates above) with appr. 40 hours of study time including class hours.
Phase 3: online (Moodle), 8 weeks following on-campus period with appr. 80 hours of study time to finish assignments.
(Ph.D., University of Aberdeen, UK; D.Min., Bethel Theological Seminary, USA) ist Professor für Chaplain Ministries bei Columbia International University in Columbia, South Carolina, USA.
M.A. Studiengebühr 3 Credits | 595 € |
M.A. Studiengebühr 3 Credits AEM | 490 € |
M.A. Einschreibegebühr | 40 € |
M.A. Späteinschreibegebühr | 20 € |
M.A. Gasthörergebühr | 360 € |