Missio Dei in the Hebrew Bible: OT Theology

Moodle: 19.11.2018 - 15.02.2019
Unterricht: 17.12.2018 - 21.12.2018
Closed Einschreibeschluss:
Dieser Kurs gehört zu MA
AWM-Kurs-Nr: 2180503 CIU-Kurs-Nr: BIB 6320

Kurs abgesagt! Course cancelled!

In this introductory study you will explore the theological thought of the Old Testament. You will examine the major themes which give unity to the writings of the Old Testament. Special attention will be given to God’s salvation for Israel and the world, as well as to the interpretation of the Old Testament in the New Testament and its application in contemporary culture.

This course includes three phases:

  • Phase 1: online (Moodle), 4-6 weeks prior to on-campus-period with approximately 30 hours of study time.

  • Phase 2: on-campus period at Korntal (dates above) with appr. 40 hours of study time including class hours.

  • Phase 3: online (Moodle), 8 weeks following on-campus period with appr. 80 hours of study time to finish assignments.


M.A. Studiengebühr 3 Credits 580 €
M.A. Studiengebühr 3 Credits AEM 480 €
M.A. Einschreibegebühr 40 €
M.A. Späteinschreibegebühr 20 €
M.A. Gasthörergebühr 350 €