Leading Multicultural Teams

Moodle: 12.06.2017 - 09.09.2017
Unterricht: 10.07.2017 - 15.07.2017
Closed Einschreibeschluss:
Kurs Schwerpunkt: ICL, MDiv MA
AWM-Kurs-Nr: 2161703 CIU-Kurs-Nr: ICL 6440

Working in multicultural teams has tremendous potential and equally tremendous challenges. If you are LEADING a multicultural team you are facing even more complex issues. We invite you to look at leadership through the dual lenses of culture and Scripture ("critical contextual" reflection). What kind of leader does it take to lead a multicultural team well? Which issues can you expect and how can you prepare for them?


M.A. Studiengebühren 570 €
M.A. Studiengebühren AEM-Mitglied 470 €
M.A. Einschreibegebühr 35 €
M.A. Späteinschreibegebühr 55 €
M.A. Studiengebühren Gasthörer 340 €