Preaching Missions from Matthew

Moodle: 25.08.2014 - 26.11.2014
Unterricht: 22.09.2014 - 01.10.2014
Closed Einschreibeschluss:
Kurs Schwerpunkt: GLS, MDiv, BIB MA
AWM-Kurs-Nr: 2140105 CIU-Kurs-Nr: BIB/HOM 7041

This cross-disciplinary course will engage you in a study of Matthew’s portrayal of the life, ministry and teaching of Jesus as well as introducing you to methods to follow when preparing a series of sermons on the first gospel. Attention will be given to such issues as introductory matters, gospel study methods, Jesus’ teaching on mission, Matthew’s "universal blessing" theme, preaching resources and preaching approaches. You will prepare a series of messages on the book and will gain experience by preaching in class.


M.A. Studiengebühren 550 €
M.A. Studiengebühren AEM-Mitglied 440 €
M.A. Einschreibegebühr 30 €
M.A. Späteinschreibegebühr 50 €
M.A. Studiengebühren Gasthörer 320 €